Commercial & Business Owners Insurance


We are a certified prevent first advisor which means we have the tools, resources, and training to help your company in a way traditional insruance cannot. This unique approach allows us to focus on targeting the root issues and help you prepare for and even prevent costly claims. One area we specialize is workers compensation with a strong focus on the Experience Rating Mod or ERM. A proactice approach is crucial for managing these claims and this is an area where we shine.


We focus on how we can optimize and add value. Think of us as an extension of your team. We want to see you grow and succeed, protecting you and cheering you on along the way. We also leverage technology to improve communication and streamline some of the biggest pain points businesses face when it comes to keeping up with employee lists, vehicle and equpiment lists, as well as certificates of insurance and audits.


We carry the CIC designation, Certified Insurance Counselor. This commercial insurance specific certification shows our commitment as professionals in the industry and helps equip us to deeply understand the complexity and needs of the your commercial insurance program. Our prevent-first approach allows us to de-average you from other businesses in the industry, showcase your uniqure strengths, and ultimately unlock favorable pricing for our premier clients.

At Innovators Insurance Group, we specialize in helping business owners protect their livelihood, and all of the time and effort that has gone into building their business. No matter how big or small your business, Innovators Insurance Group is here to protect it. Let us go to work for you and help you create a comprehensive insurance program that will give you peace of mind and allow you fous on growing your business.

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